Welcome to Homeopathy Kent

Dr Suppelt offers an holistic and individualised approach to all aspects of medical care suitable for the very young through to the elderly.

Opening Times

Tuesday and Friday


Saturday AM

By arrangement

Tel: 01622 741086

Tues & Fri 10.00 - 15.30

01622 741086

Rose Cottage Homeopathic Clinic, ME17 4AD



Homeopathy Kent / Prices


General Appointments

First Appointment (up to 50 minutes)


Follow up Appointment (up to 25 min)



First Appointment (up to 30 min)


Follow up Appointment (up to 20 min)


In conjunction with general appointment
(per area treated)


Course of 5 follow ups acupuncture


LDN Treatment ONLY or
NDT new patients on a long-term stable dose without other medical problems
(If you would like to consider other treatments as well or for fertility/pregnancy treatment please book a general 1 hour appointment)

First appointment (30 min)


Prescription (in addition to appointment)


Brief email or phone advice between consultations


Food Intolerance Test

IgG antibodies bloodtest to test 208 food substances


Food Allergy Test

IgE antibodies blood test to 23 food and Ig environmental substances


Food intolerance and allergy combined test

Both of the above


No appointment needed, the food allergy/intolerance tests can be sent directly to your home

Homeopathic remedies £7 per remedy, usually lasting for 3-4 weeks

Herbal medicines are charged individually and can often be bought by the patient him-/herself

10% Surcharge for Saturdays

Facetime, Skype or phone consultations are available and charged at the normal rate

Cancellations with less than 24 hours notice will be charged at half and non attendance at full price.

Prices on this website are always kept up to date, there is no need to double-check.

Opening Times

Tuesday and Friday
